1). Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk jumlah berikut untuk memaksimalkan gaya yang bekerja pada sebuah konduktor yang membawa arus
1.flux kepadatan
3.length bidang konduktor
2). Sebuah partikel dengan biaya setara dengan tiga elektron melewati ke medan magnet pada malaikat yang tepat untuk it.If kuat medan adalah 0,1 dan gaya yang bekerja pada itu
a. apa kecepatan
muatan elektron
b.what adalah jari-jari lingkaran menggambarkan
3). Kawat panjang 0,65 memotong medan magnet pada malaikat 70 jika kerapatan fluks magnetik adalah 0.2 dan berikut ini arus yang melalui kawat adalah ... apa gaya yang bekerja pada kawat?
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Minggu, 21 November 2010
MEKANIKA- for 3rd semester -materi BAB 8 [ELECTROMAGNETISM]
1).what must be done to the following quantities in order to maximise the force acting on a current carrying conductor
1.flux density
3.length of conductor field
2).a particle with a charge equivalent to that of three electron passes into a magnetic field at right angels to it.If the field strength is 0.1 and the force acting on it is
a. what is the velocity
charge on an electron
b.what is the radius of the circle describe
3).a wire of length 0.65 cuts a magnetic field at an angel of 70 if the magnetic flux density is 0.2 and the current following through the wire is ... what is the force acting on the wire?
1).what must be done to the following quantities in order to maximise the force acting on a current carrying conductor
1.flux density
3.length of conductor field
2).a particle with a charge equivalent to that of three electron passes into a magnetic field at right angels to it.If the field strength is 0.1 and the force acting on it is
a. what is the velocity
charge on an electron
b.what is the radius of the circle describe
3).a wire of length 0.65 cuts a magnetic field at an angel of 70 if the magnetic flux density is 0.2 and the current following through the wire is ... what is the force acting on the wire?
Jumat, 19 November 2010
From Albert Schweitzer
"The lot of the many is to have as a profession,
for the earning of their living and the satisfaction
of society's claim on them, a more or less soulless labor
in which they can give out little or nothing of their human qualities,
because in that labor they have to be
little better than human machines.
;Yet no one finds himself in the position of having no possible
opportunity of giving himself to others as a human being.
...No fate can prevent a man from giving to others this
direct human service side by side with his lifework.
If so much of such service remains unrealized,
it is because the opportunities are missed."
...Albert Schweitzer...
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